Our heart is to reach young people with the gospel and encourage them to share is with their friends. We do this by running events for young people to attend and bring their friends as well as going into schools and youth groups to deliver workshops and sessions.
Our puppets love to adventure into schools, invading their assemblies with a production that encourages children to learn about a Bible story and the teachings of Jesus in a fun, creative and relevant way.

Hear | Understand | Become
HUB is an event for all young people aged 11-18.
Young people will HEAR about God and what He has done in people’s lives. They will gain an UNDERSTANDING of His word and what it means to follow Him. And be encouraged to BECOME more like him.
The night will be full of high-energy games & challenges, worship, word and space for prayer and response. There will also be a HUB GRUB café before and after the event.
You can come with a youth group, school SU, with friends or on your own!
Our team have developed specific assembly productions and R.E. classes that have been tailored to creatively share messages from the Bible using puppets, songs, visual aids, Makaton and additional sensory elements. We appreciate that you know your children better than we do and so we would be delighted to work alongside you- making sure we deliver the best and most effective programme for your children.

We love visiting and supporting youth groups to deliver workshops, short epilogues or longer talks
at weekly gatherings or one of events.
We have two very different themes for our youth ministry work.
One being to encourage young people that are Christians to share their faith with their friends,
and the other being to share the gospel with young people that are not yet Christian and giving them an opportunity to respond.
We can travel all over NI & Ireland, if you want to discuss this and find out more please fill in the
get in touch info below.
This is a five-week programme seeking to delve deeper in God’s Word on a more personal level with children, trying to incorporate elements of the school curriculum, where possible. We seek to capture the attention of children through games, craft, singing and challenges. We love to partner with churches to further the impact of our work.

1WAY is an outreach initiative that can be delivered in schools or in an area. 1 WAY brings the whole school together in a fun and interactive way. It addresses key current issues that young people are facing and helps them explore faith for themselves.
Working alongside teachers and local churches, we seek to engage with the whole school for one week through a series of special events and classroom workshops. This all builds up towards an evening outreach event which includes games, drama, music, special guests and a life-changing message. We can then offer a follow up programme in the school possible through the SU group.
We partner with the local church to help reach their community with the Gospel. This could happen within partnership in a school context, or through special events or services. Our team love to serve you through opportunities that aim at reaching children that the church do not already minister to.

We absolutely love serving in schools and supporting the work that the staff already do.
Here are some of the ways we would love to serve your school.
SU/Faith Group Series
3 week programme. Each week involves an interactive game, talk and challenging response. The theme changes each year and is aimed at both junior and senior year groups.
RE Workshops
We can deliver workshops based on themes such as WELL-BEING, HOPE and WORTH.These work best with a whole year group in a space like a hall or drama studio.
We can deliver a number of workshops in one day to cover more year groups.

Task Talk
Task Talk is our new 3 week series for SU groups which has a very simple premise. In each session the pupils will take part in a task against other schools for a chance to win a prize for their group and also engage with a talk based on a key Bible verse.
An interactive and informative workshop which explores pupil well-being and what it means to have a healthy BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. This is perfect for year groups sessions held in the assembly hall.
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Jesus Plus One
Jesus Plus One is our new offering of RE lessons based on one to one encounters Jesus had with individuals in the gospels and teaching about the impact these moments had on them.
What's the Story?
These RE lessons focus on the parables that Jesus taught and the relevance they carry today.

A practical and interactive session for youth groups, helping young people explore sharing their faith.

A resource video series to encourage pupils to share their faith in school and to create space for others to explore the Christian faith for themselves. This runs across the UK and Ireland and is a partnership between CJM, SUNI, LMI, SU England & Wales, SU Scotland and SU Ireland.