Crown Jesus Ministries was started in 1999, by three young evangelists with a vision to see every soul won for Jesus across Ireland. Today, Crown Jesus had a team of people and a network of partners working towards that vision. Our aim is to effectively communicate the good news of Jesus, and to engage with kids, youth, and adults through programmes, outreach, and dynamic partnerships with local churches. We long to see revival in Ireland!

In May 2019 Crown Jesus celebrated 20 years in ministry and pledged to remain faithful to our call to reach all of Ireland. This developed into a mandate for the next decade;
We choose to go
By the end of the decade we choose to go into all 32 counties of Ireland and ensure everyone has the opportunity to receive and respond to the transforming message of Jesus Christ and the hope He brings.
We choose to go, not because it is easy but because it is hard. The goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to achieve.
We choose to go and we want you to partner with us on this adventure because together we are stronger. Join us as we launch into this new season; there are communities to reach, people to rescue and together we will make a difference for the glory of God’s kingdom.
We choose to go because Jesus has given us the power, authority and commission to go. Everyone in Ireland needs a chance to respond to the gospel. This will be the most challenging, dangerous and greatest adventure on which we have ever embarked. It must be done and with your help it will be done before the end of this decade.
(Inspired by J F Kennedy’s moon speech in 1962.)
The ministry will reach out to church leaders / fellow evangelists and collaborate towards building networks across the island. Tactically working county by county but also being receptive to the dynamic tactics of Spirit-led moments, rhythms and opportunities that open up. These tactics include the possibilities of planting mission centres and churches.